Our very own dog blog where we share exciting titbits of fashion, promotions, doggy DIY and gossip on all things canine … and occasionally feline.
Our Blogs

Superfoods For Dogs
Natural health boosters for your four-pawed friend!Us mutts love food and there are a lot of superfoods that we can be sharing with our pups, because they are dense with nutrition and...
Superfoods For Dogs
Natural health boosters for your four-pawed friend!Us mutts love food and there are a lot of superfoods that we can be sharing with our pups, because they are dense with nutrition and...

DIY Winter Dog Coat Care
The chilly winter months can be harsh on your pup's coat.We’ve come up with a few simple tips in order to keep Fido's coat healthy this winter.Bathe regularly, but not too...
DIY Winter Dog Coat Care
The chilly winter months can be harsh on your pup's coat.We’ve come up with a few simple tips in order to keep Fido's coat healthy this winter.Bathe regularly, but not too...